Srivardhan - Harihareshwar - Diveagar Useful travel Information

Getting there

By Air: Nearest airport is Mumbai.
By Rail: Nearest Railhead is at Khed.
By Road: Mumbai-Panvel-Pen-Kolad-Mangaon-Srivardhan/Harihareshwar.
Srivardhan to Harihareshwar 18 Kms.

Srivardhan - Harihareshwar

Srivardhan is a small city and nice place to stay. You can find several Hotels and lodges to stay in and around Srivardhan. The distance between Srivardhan and Harihareshwar is 18 Kms. only and they both can be considered as twin cities. You can find good accommodation at Harihareshwar also and particularly the MTDC has an excellent Beach resort here with tents to stay.


Diveagar is a small Konkani town which has come to notice just recently and slowly becoming a tourist attraction. There are a few small lodges and very good private staying options in Diveagar which can be much cheaper than staying in Srivardhan or Harihareshwar. Diveagar is a much Quieter and small place that both Srivardhan or Harihareshwar.

Local Transport

Rickshaws and Six Seaters are available for travel between Srivardhan and Harihareshwar.

Map showing nearby Places of interest

Map showing nearby Places of interest

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Konkan Districts & Geography, Districts in Konkan region, Thane District, Raigad District, Ratnagiri District, Sindhudurga District